Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Seeing His Face

Hello Dear Friends!

Thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts and comments on my blog. I hope I did not offend anyone with my bluntness. In my passion about what I was learning about my own unhealthy ways and the urgency for radical change in my own life, I could have been more tactful communicating it. So please forgive me.

Tomorrow I go in for my 4th chemo treatment. I will be out of commission, so to speak, for a few days, so I wanted to get this next part of the blog out before it feels like mud in my stomach!

So I'm here to share with you the blessings that have come my way in the past few months. They are kind of amazing. In fact a few weeks ago I began recording them - because they are very significant when it comes to showing the Glory of God. That Glory comes through HIS people!

One of things that face you during a cancer battle is fear. You go to sleep thinking of it and wake up thinking about 'what if." Especially in the beginning. It's kind of like you are in shock. It's difficult to be around people sometimes - if you know me very well - you know that is not me in the natural!
One morning way back in January, I remember a vicious attack from the enemy. I was awake around 4:30 am and the voice of the enemy was screaming at me - it was one of the most horrendous events in my Christian life. It lasted for about 1/12 hours. Every accusation that could destroy me was thrown in my face. Everything from financial ruin - to Robbie having another heart attack  - to my death plans! I wanted to text some close friends to pray for me - but I was paralyzed with fear. I finally pulled myself together and began fighting and standing against the enemy. You know when the enemy feeds you lies - there is always an element of truth that just 'could be' true. That is why you entertain the thoughts in the first place. Keep that in mind the next time the destroyer tries to feed you lies.

Right after that event the power of God began to fall in my life. There are so many wonderful things that began coming my way - all through the Body of Christ. I want to share a powerful scripture that you have heard before. It is 1 John 4: 11-12 Beloved if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. vs.12 no one has beheld God at any time - if we love one another, God abides in us and His love is perfected in us. As I was reading this I was overwhelmed with "No one has beheld God at any time" - BUT if we love one another -  I realized we really SEE HIM! Interesting that those two thoughts are back to back in the Word. Plus His love is perfected in us when we allow ourselves to be that vessel. I don't think I have ever been on the receiving end of really beholding HIM like I have in the past few months. I have had such an outpouring of His Love through friends and family. It lets me know everyday He loves me.

I will not mention names, but events that have happened and how they let me see HIS LOVE for me. The following is a list of these miracles:

  1. My dear husband standing with me and loving me like Christ loves the church - no matter what I look or feel like! He's been a great house keeper and servant! 
  2. My son and daughter-in-law checking on me constantly.
  3. I was given a book "Susan Love's Breast Book" - it looked like a medical journal - my first thought was "oh no" I'll never be able to understand this! It has been the BEST resource about breast cancer out there! It is the 6th edition of it's kind by a surgeon from UCLA.
  4. Close friend sent me 3 books  - about prayer and standing in God. Wonderful!
  5. Someone paying for an extra consultation for a surgeon not included in my insurance.
  6. I was sent a "Soma" gift card from a dear friend - so I could enjoy some luxurious pj's!
  7. A close friend had me over for a prayer time and Essential oils gift. Then she set up and paid for a massage with Essential Oils and the gal prophesied over me! It was very powerful!
  8. My sister's bought me a really nice wig - looks so much like my own hair!
  9. Another dear friend gave me a "words of encouragement jar" Everyday a thought or scripture that encourages me!
  10. Besides my "Jesus Calling" devotional book, a dear friend gave me a "Streams in the Desert" devotional with a journal. I have faithfully recorded the things Jesus has spoken to me.
  11. An unexpected post of Facebook started an avalanche of blessings and wishes coming my way!
  12. Multiple texts and private messages to encourage me.
  13. The House church stepped up to the plate and filled in when I couldn't do what I regularly have done. Including having meetings in THEIR home!
  14. Numerous meals brought by my sisters and other friends!  A wonderful help.
  15. A dear friend brought me a HUGE bag full of goodies to help me with my chemo journey - she has walked that road before me! Everything from Ruby Red slippers (in case I want to go home!) to Miralax - mmmmm Thank you Jesus!
  16. Unspoken financial gifts that have blessed us with helping pay the astronomical healthcare bills, even though we have insurance.
  17. My sister coaching me through my eating and cooking.
  18. Shortly into the journey a wonderful new couple showed up at one of our House Churches - she was a Nutritional Therapist! - I was praying for a nutritional person to help me!
  19. I think it was the day before my first chemo treatment, I came home to a very large box at my door step. It was a HUGE sign that says "Hope - anchors the soul - Hebrews 6:19" - It fit above my fireplace and is gorgeous! It was a total surprise sent to me from a dear friend and her daughter!

I just wanted everyone to know how blessed I have been and how it really is the love of God and His very face I see through these loving actions. Quite a few years ago I had a friend of mine's husband who really did not like to do yard work. One of his co-workers got cancer - the husband went every Saturday for one year and did his yard work for him - mowing and edging and all that needed to be done! It spoke volumes to me. No one ever knew of his loving actions.

I try to think of others around me that I can give to and encourage. I don't want my focus to be so much on myself. It is humbling when the Father shows His love to me in this great way.

I leave you with this thought - find someone to show His wonderful love and they will see His face eventually. It may be someone you don't even know!

In His Love,


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart Martha during the most vulnerable journey of your life. There is power in your words, that speak life and encouragement to me and so many others! Standing and praying with you. Much love, Denorah Holman

    1. Thank you Deorah. Your words bless me and encourage me to go on!

    2. Thank you Deorah. Your words bless me and encourage me to go on!

    3. Thank you Margaret! Missing you! Thanjs for your encouraging thoughts and words! Love you gal!

    4. Thank you Margaret! Missing you! Thanjs for your encouraging thoughts and words! Love you gal!

  2. What a wonderful gift you are to your family and friends, Martha. You encourage us! Your words are spirit and life because they come from the heart of God. Love and miss you, Margaret

    1. Hey Margaret! Missing you! Thanks for your encouraging thoughts! Love you gal!

    2. Hey Margaret! Missing you! Thanks for your encouraging thoughts! Love you gal!
