Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"In The Beginning" - My Journey

Hello friends and family - I'm going to take this time to share with you how my journey began and how gracious God has been to me through it all! This first episode is a little longer - but other ones won't be. Just had to give some background.

Back in mid December I felt an odd lump in my breast. We had just enjoyed a nice evening with friends and it came as a shock. But, immediately I knew it was something that could not to be ignored.  It took 2 days before I had the courage to tell Robbie.
After 2 mammograms and 2 biopsies it was confirmed to be Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Fortunately only in one breast. However it had spread to my lymph nodes. All of this was in January.

It is true that the enemy bombards you with fear. Every thought imaginable found it's way into my weak mind. But of course, immediately The Lord began flooding me with His truth and sending me people, books, texts, prayers and so many encouraging words. My journey had begun.

I had watched my sister Nancy with her battle against Colon Cancer just a few years before.  She dove into natural treatments full force. Immediately I read a book she introduced me to that changed my life. It is "Let Food Be Your Medicine" by Dr. Don Colbert.  He is a renown Christian Doctor from Orlando. I have always thought nutrition and what you eat is extremely important and was perplexed by my own weight gain in the past 8 years.

He basically takes the 'Mediterranean Diet'  and tweaks it for every disease. I learned that Cancer FEEDS on SUGAR. That is it's  #1 food source. Animal protein is it's 2nd food source. In the book he has a diet for 1st and 2nd stage cancer and 3rd and 4th stage cancer. I put myself on the latter diet, even though it has not been staged yet.  The excess weight started falling off. This is before any treatment at all had begun. I started eating all organic - lots of vegetables - healthy protein and healthy high fat diet. I also learned that Cancer is an immune problem. We all have cancer cells in our body. In a healthy immune system, those cells will die.

We were raised as the 'Kool-Aid' generation - we were fed sugar constantly. To the generation before us, sugar was an occasional treat. For our generation it has been inserted into almost every bottle in your refrigerator you bought at a grocery store. Those of you who knew me at a younger age know that I was extremely thin in my early years. I weighed 106 lbs. from  the age of 23 till 38 years old. I am almost 5'7' . People used to say to me " Oh you can probably eat anything you want and you don't gain weight." Unfortunately they were right! However, I was weakening my immune system. I have always had an interest in nutrition and for most of my life have eaten healthy - I thought! I have had to let go of the thoughts of 'why me'?
Any way I have lost 22 lbs. ON PURPOSE. So if you think I am too thin, I am so sorry. You are used to looking at "fat Americans". I am a perfect size 8.
I am happy and growing healthy and right in the middle of my recommended weight for my height! Not meant to offend anyone!

So right now - I am almost half way through my Chemo treatments. I wasn't going to do chemo. I made my decision because there was a trail of cancer cells heading to my chest wall and we wanted to stop the progression.

GOD SPEAKS - Robbie and I were sitting in the Surgeon's office and heard a word from the Lord. We have always called chemo poison. After hearing a firm exhortation on why I should take the chemo, I walked over to pay the bill. Robbie walked through the waiting room. When we got in the car. He said " a bazaar thing just happened to me.  The Lord dropped this scripture in my spirit. "And They shall drink any deadly poison and it shall not harm them". The second part of it says - "And they shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover."  Mark 16:15-18. I was amazed and knew God was saying something powerful. After much prayer I decided to do the chemo along with my many natural things I am doing. I am also working with a nutritionist to help build up my bones and immune system. God supernaturally sent her to me - what a huge blessing!

Since taking chemo - I have had few side effects than most. I have lost most of my hair (enough that I wear a wig!) No nausea and vomiting - thank you Lord!
I believe the combination of believing and preparing my body nutritionally has been the key.

I have to say that Robbie has been the most wonderful support to me through this crazy ordeal. We have been married 44 years this year. We have been through a lot of things together. Just a few years ago he had a massive heart attack. We have weathered many storms. There is nothing better than a husband who stands with you and is led by the Lord. His caring and giving of himself is truly a Godly characteristic. Just makes me love him more!

I'm realizing this could go on and on - and it will - but not all today! I want to say one more thing about Healing. I have been sent many many things about "how to get healed". How about 4 easy steps to get healed !! All with pure hears and wanting to help. For years Robbie and I have though it comical when someone writes a book "ALL ABOUT HEALING" and it is less than 1/2 inch thick! It is so presumptuous for any of us to think we have 'the answer' to healing, as if it some magical scriptural formula or specialty food or specialty drink. Instead - it's about spending time with The Healer.  I don't find myself quoting a list of scriptures every morning. I KNOW those scriptures - they have been put in me for 40 years! I wake up every morning and say - "Father - show me what to do today" - Every morning He feeds me words of TRUTH - words of ENCOURAGEMENT - nourishing words that feed my spirit, give me strength and guide me for that day. I have fresh MANNA in the wilderness. Boy - is it wonderful!
Many years ago I wrote a song "I will give you water in the wilderness - for my chosen one's to drink  - saith the Lord"
I am experiencing that beautiful flow of His Goodness!

My next Blog will be on the "Mighty Flow of His Blessings!!" It has been a wild ride and I want you to hear about these rich blessings!

Love you and hope this encourages you in some way. God is Faithful and is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or even think!



  1. Love you Martha. God has you in the his hands. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Your precious words fed my soul this morning! It surely is all about abiding in Him. He directs our path. Love you bunches, Martha!

    1. Teach=Margaret. I haven't been on blogger for a while.

    2. Really really really good. LOVE!!!

  3. Martha, thank-you for taking the time to set up this blog and share your thoughts/journey with those who love you. You truly are an inspiration. God continue to bless and keep you.

  4. Thank you for sharing - I have a friend who's dad is going through something similar and I think this will build her up. You are so right, it is about spending time with the Healer and getting His direction. Love to you and Robbie!

  5. Beautiful testimony, Martha, of the Lord's healing and blessing a faithful servant.

  6. Martha, Standing with you. Our God is Good... been walking this cancer journey with Rob for 21 years when they gave him 5! God's Mercies are New Every Morning. Rob changed his diet 21 years ago and has never looked back. 21 years ago, the cancer doctors didn't believe food made a difference but many agree it does now. Know we are praying for you. Sharon
